Intro to Model-Based Systems Engineering
Dov Dori interviewed by Bruce Cameron
Introduction to OPM
Dov Dori, Object-Process Methodology for Structure-Behavior Co-Design. In Handbook of Research on Conceptual Modeling for Complex Systems. D. Embley and B. Thalheim (Eds.), Springer, 2010
OPM lectures
- MIT SDM Webinar for “The Maturation of Model-Based Systems Engineering: OPM as the ISO Conceptual Modeling Language Standard” – Dov Dori, June 2, 2014: slides I recording
- ISE (Information Systems Engineering). Past, Present, Future
- Dov Dori, Complexity Management via OPM Built-In Mechanism: Theory & Practice. Presentation at the Innovative Approaches & Researches for Managing Complexity, Gordon Center for Systems Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel, July 5, 2011
- Integrating the new ISO 19450 standard Object-Process Methodology OPM with MATLAB-Simulink for Model-Based Systems Engineering
OPM Intro
Gollner’s Blog on OPM
CSD&M 2014 Lecture
OPM Book