
Dr. Uri Shani
Photo of Dr. Uri Shani
Fostering Systems Thinking, Collaboration & Education with OPM; OPM & Modeling Environments

Dr. Uri Shani is a Computer Science PhD. After retiring from the IBM Haifa Research Lab (1983-2017), Uri joined as a research fellow and adjunct senior lecturer the ESML lab of the Industrial Engineering & Management department of the Technion, where he works on OPCloud development, co-advising master students theses, and engaging in international and national innovation projects for the lab.

In IBM Uri led many projects in a variety of areas in cyber space, including storage, VOIP, software engineering, distributed systems, healthcare image and information management, interactive systems and graphics, Telco BI, programming languages and systems engineering. He has worked on tools integration projects, led the IBM role as technical integrator and platform leader in SPRINT, DANSE, and PSYMBIOSYS EU projects.

Dr. Shani published a book and many papers in journals and conferences and holds many IBM patents in the various areas of activities. Dr. Shani served also as associate lecturer in the EE and CS departments in the Technion, and has been liaison for the IBM relations with the CS department in the Technion. Dr. Shani holds B.Sc. in CS from the Technion, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. in CS from the University of Rochester, NY.
